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  • Ciera Tyler

Pros and Cons of a Puppy

Hello Friends!

If you are considering getting a puppy then this pros and cons list is for you!

I personally have a golden retriever/white lab mix named Sandy. I got her when she was just 8 weeks old. I made a personal list of some pros and cons of having a puppy to help you in your decision making process.


1. You have an Adorable Fury Companion.

This was one of the main reasons why I got a puppy. When they say "dogs are mans best friend" I think this is entirely true. My puppy keeps me company while I'm home alone and she is always ready to cuddle on the couch and hang out. She is so sweet and loves her mama.

2. You Get Outside More

Ever since I got a puppy I am going for a walk on a daily basis. Rain ro shine you can catch me taking my puppy for a walk. Daily walks are great for a healthy lifestyle and I enjoy playing at the dog park and dog beach with my puppy too.

3. Dog Community

I live in an apartment with 2 dog parks. Since I have Sandy I have made friends with an awesome community of dog owners.

4. Guard Dog/Safety

Study's have shown that thieves are a lot less likely to break into homes that have barking dogs. Sandy is not a yappy dog by any means, but she does growl and bark at intruders and passerby's out the window if she is in the home with me. This really does make me feel safer, because I know that her bark will deter people from breaking in.


1. Dogs are Expensive

The number one con is that dogs cost money. You not only have to buy a dog but you also have to provide for the dog for the rest of its life. This financial commitment includes vet bills, food, and dog supplies. The exact costs very depending on the dog and dog owner but like it or not dogs come at a price.

2. Time Consuming

Dogs take up your time and energy. You have to feed them, walk them, and take them out to go potty if they are indoor dogs. Not to mention the vet appointments every few weeks when you have a puppy getting their shots. My schedule largely revolves around my puppy now.

3. Puppy Sitters

Similar to having a baby you have to get a pet sitter if you are planning to go out of town. This can be a big hassle and can get pricey if you board your dog.

4. They destroy your personal belongings

More often then not your rambunctious puppy will at some point destroy your favorite pair of shoes, cords, or chew up your clothes. Not to mention dumpster diving. My puppy loves to get into the bathroom trash and kitchen trash. Even after buying cans with lids, my dog learned how to open them with her snout! Also, be prepared for your home to be affected too. Our dog chewed on our baseboards and peed on our floor. I've also heard story's of dogs chewing up indoor and outdoor furniture. We also have fur everywhere even after sweeping and vacuuming.

I hope you found this pros and cons list helpful. For more of me and pup you can follow me and Sandy on Instagram at @sandygoldenlab @cieratyler

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