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  • Ciera Tyler

Transformation Tuesday

Hello Friends!

Today's chapter was a sweet reminder of the importance of confessing your sins and the power of ones testimony. I think it can become so easy to brush things under the rug and Zick challenged me to confront it.


I find it very hard to confess my sins to other people because I feel like they will judge me or think less of me, I'm sure you can relate. Zick stresses that we need tell ourselves:"I will uncover, I will expose, I will confess" (p.32). I agree that this is how God intended us to fully be set free from our sins. She quoted James 5:16:"Confess your sins to one another" (p.33). I want to grow in building trust with someone who I know wont spill my confessions to others. I think this is what I fear most in confessing my sins to someone.


The only way to truly transform is to realize that you are forgiven, let go of the same and guilt, and turn from your old ways. Zick places this in a simple formula stating: "You are forgiven + Free = You are a new creation" (p.41). I feel like in each season of my life there has been different sins that I struggle with. I think it is so beautiful what Christ did on the cross so we as sinners can be forgiven.

Your Story Matters

Zick uses her story to help relate to others and to magnify how awesome our God is. She emphasizes that you need to "own your story and let it bring God glory" (43). All of our stories are different and we all have a past but God wants to use it to change the world. Our testimonies are meant to be shared and they truly do matter. In the Bible, Jesus would heal someone or set someone free and always tell them to go tell others. I need to grow in confidence in telling my story and realizing that there is power in it.

Please know you are forgiven for your past, present, and future sins and I challenge you to share you story with at least one person this week!

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