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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 21

Hello Friends!


Wow wow wow! It was a long time coming, but we made it. I am so thankful for this 21 day journey. If you are new to my blog this is my final day on the Daniel Fast and if you want to know my whole journey leading up to this post please read the other 20 posts from the 20 days of my fast leading up to this.

God was so faithful and I learned so much from God and about my self while fasting. If I am being completely honest there were a few times when I did slip up and mess up on my fast. I didn't let the mess ups throw me off completely, I asked God for strength and worked on getting back on track. I am not a perfect person and I most definitely was challenged physically and spiritually on this fast.

I want to put something out on the table. I talked to someone doing the Daniel Fast, while I was fasting as well, and they said that fasting is between you and God and not something you should talk about. My intention for blogging on my fast was not to brag or make my self seem cool for fasting. Rather, I made my fast public for 2 reasons. The first reason was to hold me accountable to actually DO the fast and to take the the time to journal and reflect every day. The second reason was to share my daily testimony of what God was doing in me and my life while fasting to inspire others. I listened to a sermon by Transformation church that had a major truth bomb, I will link the video below.

Truth Bomb: Making it public is NOT about MY ascension, it is about my association with God. This hit me hard and gave me perspective.

Prior to this fast I thought that I didn't have a compelling testimony to share. I was raised in the church and never went through any big crisis or issue that God brought me out of. I thought that my testimony wasn't even worth sharing. I believed that I never had a huge 'come to Jesus moment' in my life and as a result had nothing to share. I am sure that many of you reading this may have felt the same way at one time or another.

God WANTS us to be BOLD and fearless and to go public with our testimony to bring HIM the honor and glory. I realized that my daily revelations and encounters with Jesus were each a testimony to share Gods faithfulness and to bring God glory. I also realize that my every day struggles and encounters with God are very similar to what others around me are going through. Remember that making your testimony public should have an eternal motive- your motive should be so others would know that Jesus is Lord, that He is a redeeming God, and that He is coming back again. Our testimony speaks louder then you think about how awesome our God is.

Lets be BOLD for Jesus!

Sermon Link:

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