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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 20

Hello friends!

Today I listened to a great sermon and it really changed my perspective about social media growth and growing a 'following'. For the past year I wanted nothing more but to be an 'influencer'. Why? -I wasn't exactly sure why except for the fact that I loved modeling and enjoyed the high from likes and follows. I am being supper transparent with you-like getting likes and follows was my dopamine.

I had an epiphany around new years when I started setting resolutions that revolved around social media growth. Are goals bad?-no-but you need to have the right heart behind it. I wanted more followers to make me feel good and to elevate my status; and God wasn't apart of that goal at all.

Prior to this fast I was so worried about growing my Instagram and being influential. Over the course of this fast God has told me that He can't and won't give me what I want until I have a servants heart. God made it clear that my pattern of behavior is that the second He takes me up I become so consumed with myself that I forget to pray and to read the word. God helped me realize that if He chooses to promote me, its not for my own goals, rather its to have a bigger platform to promote Him! God has given me the gifts and abilities to 'take me up', but when I ascend I need to represent God and use the platform to be His servant.

His will be done.

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