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  • Ciera Tyler

Ring by Spring: The YES Day!

Updated: Jan 29, 2019

Hello Friends,

I want to take a trip down memory lane and tell you the story of how Adam proposed to me!

It was nearing the end of our winter break and Adam told me he wanted to take one last trip to SF. He invited three of my close friends to join us and I was very excited. My girlfriends spent the night and they told me to dress warm and cute so we could take cute pictures! Little did I know it was to look good for all of the engagement pictures! When we arrived in SF it was cloudy and cold but I was excited to be in the city that I love! Adam and I split up from the girls and went to Starbucks to grab some coffee. After that we walked to a little bakery in Union Square. Adam bought me an odd loaf of bread. It was loaded with dried fruits and nuts. He then handed me a typed up story. The story explained how a baker made this special bread to win over his lover's father so that he would grant his blessing for the two to get married. Right after reading the story I had a hunch, but I had no idea how the day would unfold. From there we walked to the big red heart in union square and he asked if we could take a photo in front of it. Once we got there it had a bouquet of pink roses on it! Adam explained that they were for me and proceeded to hand me a hand written note. The note explained how we met and the story of us falling in love.

Next, we walked across the street to the HUGE Macy's in SF and Adam told me I could buy anything that I wanted. So, I picked out a necklace that was three hearts each one spelling out I love you. From there we did some more shopping in union square then headed to the car. Our next stop was at AT&T park! For those of you that don't know Adam and I love baseball and I am a Giants fan. We went inside of a restaurant connected to the park and there was a sign posted that said 'LOOK UP'. When I looked up I saw a HUGE heart painted like a baseball with all of the Giants signatures on it. When I looked back down Adam was standing in front of me with another bouquet of pink roses and a note. The note explained more memories from our relationship. We then ate a yummy desert. The whole time while I was eating I was wondering if he was going to propose out on the field....but then realized it wasn't baseball season! After desert we got in the car and headed to our next location.

As we were stuck in traffic I spot my three friends that had come along with us on the trip running down the side walk. As I ask Adam if that was them he quickly takes a turn down a side street. We end up parking and walking to Fishermen's Wharf. As we walk down Pier 39 I wanted to stop in little shops but Adam seemed like he was in a rush. Once we reached the end of the pier we came across the big red heart. There was another bouquet of pink roses and Adam handed me another note. As I read the note it talked about Adam meeting my family and where he see's our relationship going in the future. As I got to the very last line the note said 'I can't wait to make many more memories with you, like the time I proposed to you on pier 39! As tears began to roll down my eyes I looked up from the note to find the man of my dreams down on one knee asking for my hand in marriage! I said yes with no hesitation. Then, out of no where my friends popped out from around the corner with a camera!After the proposal Adam took me to a nice dinner and then Ghirardelli square for desert. Looking back, it was such an amazing day and one that I will cherish forever.

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