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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 9

Hello Friends!

There is so much power in our thoughts. Who you think you are spills out into every aspect of your life. I was doing a devotional today and it described how the way we think about our self determines our lifestyle. I completely agree with this. Moreover, the way you behave on a daily basis is an outward expression of how you view and think about yourself

Today I felt challenged to look inward on how I view myself, the good and the bad. I realized that it is so easy to let earthly labels completely take over how we view ourselves. The loud one, the smart one, the pretty girl, the nerd, the athlete, I'm sure we've all gotten labeled in our life. I know for me it was either the bossy one or the smiley one...depending on the situation. I had the head strong leader role when needed but also the sweet smiling face in most of all of my interactions. Today I dig deep into how I let my my inner thoughts affect self perception. I am going to start doing positive affirmations reaffirm who God says I am. I am chosen, forgiven, loved, beautiful, fearless, beloved, set apart, talented, and a daughter of the most high.

I challenge you to stop and really think about who you think you are. Take your thoughts captive and align your inner thoughts about yourself with the truth in the Bible. Please know that you are a beloved child of God.

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