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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 7

Today was busy! I babysat all day long from sun up to sundown so I apologize that this is a day late.

A verse that spoke to me was Matthew 6. This verse essentially says that if God so diligently takes cares of the flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow he will surely take care of us. In verse 33-34 Jesus tells us to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and He talks about not being anxious for tomorrow. I struggle with worrying and planning. I honestly need to work on letting go and letting God. On this fast I have noticed a huge shift in my soul just by seeking the Kingdom of God throughout my entire day.

If you struggle with anxiety, know that you are not alone. It is very real and it can be scary and overcoming. Please know that our God is bigger and greater then any circumstance or situation to worry or fear about. God wants us to bring our fear and anxiety to Him and surender it at his feet. He wants us to seek Him with hands wide open ready to receive his grace and peace. Know that anxious thoughts and feelings are not of God and that is not his will for you in your life. Pray against it and combat your anxiety with the truth in scripture. If you struggle with anxiety please shoot me a message or comment and I would love to pray for you.

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