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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 5

Hello Friends!

Today went well for me. However, Adam almost had a moment of weakness. Around lunch time I get a call from Adam. He was in a panic and explained that his coworker was eating Hawaiian chicken and that he was craving it very bad. I instinctively told him to ask God for strength. After I got off the phone with him I opened my Bible app and read a very timely verse to share with Adam. It was Galatians 5:16 "But I say, walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."I shared it with him and we are able to discuss it together.

I just did a devotion that talked about how the devil tempted Jesus while he was fasting for 40 days. The one thing that God used to combat the devils lies in Mathew 5 was the Word of God. During this time of fasting I have found scripture to be an amazing source of strength to combat my flesh and the devils lies. Ephesians 6:17 describes how the word of God is our sword. Lets use that sword to combat the devil and his lies.

Prior to this fast I would read the Bible ocassionaly but I would hardly let it marinate and truly minister to my soul. Similarly, I would rarely take the time like I am right now to reflect on how I could apply what I had read to my life. I want to encourage you to become a daily reader of the Bible. Just like how checking social media apps is a daily, and for someone of us hourly habit...make it a habit to open up that Bible app and read the Word of God. That way when the Devil starts whispering lies into your ear you are equipped with he TRUTH to combat his lies.

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