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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 4

Updated: Jan 24, 2019

Hello Friends!

Day 4 of our fast was a great day! I went to work, went for a beach run with my pup, made dinner, cleaned the house, got my nails done, and now I am snuggled up in bed to do a devotion with my husband. Adam decided to add video games to his fast....and if you know my husband Adam at all, this is a big deal! We are choosing to run towards Jesus together on this fast, and we decided to both remove are distractions at home so we can spend more time with the Lord. I feel so blessed to be married to Adam!

I was reading the Word this morning and a verse that really spoke to me was Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two are better then one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow..." When I read this I instantly thought of my relationship with Adam. I love that we can always be real with each other and speak the truth in love. I also did a devotional this evening that talked about having godly friends that build you up. This made me think of how "Iron sharpens Iron". I am blessed to have close friends to walk out my faith with. It is very important to have friends that are uplifting, encouraging, and point you back to the cross. Toxic friendships can completely bring you down and lead you astray.

I am so thankful for worship music. In another life I would love to be a worship leader...but I have no musical talent! haha... Today I listed to a song where the imagery really got to me! The lyrics are "I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground." This was such a beautiful reminder of the importance of prayer and surrender to get closer to God.

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