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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 3

Hello Friends!

Today was a very emotional rollercoaster. I felt confused, overwhelmed, frustrated, happy, and hungry. I didn't get a bad headache, but I did feel very drained and tired. Nevertheless, I still managed to walk my dog a mile and do a cycle class at the gym. I weighed in this evening and was down 6 pounds since Sunday! I don't think I have ever lost 6 pounds in 3 days! Next, I want to discuss some spiritual breakthrough.

I read a devotional about renewing your thinking and not being conformed to how the world thinks and it was a wake up call! One thing that got me was when it said " when you have a head ache do you pray for healing or reach for the pain killers." That totally got me because yesterday on day 2 of my fast I had a raging head ache at work and I didn't even pray for healing, I went strait for the Advil. At the end it asked "what is one thing you could change about how you think that could change your life?" This actually stumped me. However, I realized that I need to not put God into a box and change the way I view small things like a head ache and invite God into that and ask for healing. I realized that I need to be seeking God more often then not ,instead of just looking to the world for quick fixes.

Throughout my work day I listened to a ton of amazing songs that ministered to my soul. The lyrics from the song "Whole Heart" by Hillsong really encouraged me. "So here I stand-High in surrender-I need You now-Hold my heart-Now and forever-My soul cries out

Once I was broken-But You loved my whole heart through-Sin has no hold on me-‘Cause Your grace holds me now." On this fast I have become soooo aware of how weak my flesh is and how much I need Jesus. I started to imagine giving my heart to Jesus and his Grace filled arms lovingly holding me. It reminded me of the parable about the prodigal son. God doesn't want us to run away from him, he is always there, ready to welcome us home with grace filled arms. All it takes is us saying yes and turning from our old ways and surrendering everything to Him. In closing, know that Gods grace is enough and to invite him into your every day circumstances.

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