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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 2

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

Hello Friends!

Day two of the Daniel Fast had some ups and downs! I got a bad headache and could barely keep my eyes open for the first two hours at my desk at work. It made me insanely aware of how dependent I had become on my morning cup of coffee. In those moments at work just the smell of coffee was making me crave it so much. I warmed up some water to give me the allusion of a nice warm beverage. I realized that what I needed in those moments of headaches and sleepiness was Jesus.

I turned on worship music in my headphones and opened up my Bible app to John 15 and read it. In that moment I decided to invite Jesus into my work day and into my struggle. You see, John 15 talks about abiding in Jesus and right in that moments that's exactly what I needed to read. I know that moving forward on my fast I will be tempted and it will be hard but I am going to choose to run to Jesus instead of giving into my flesh.

In addition to food, I am also fasting social media and Netflix. For those of you that don't know me very well, I LOVE Instagram. I spend a few hours a day scrolling and watching videos on Instagram. Adam and I did a devotion together this evening and it talked about praying and actually listening to God...instead of having a one way conversation. This hit me hard, because I find it so hard to be still and quite. The devotion talked about how we are constantly consuming sound bites and media and carelessly scrolling and liking with no methodical thought or reflection....This was a huge wake up call for me. I realized that all day when I would pick up my phone and instinctively click for the Instagram app it was for quick satisfaction with thousands of shallow friends. This really made me realize how much of a waste of time my time spent on Instagram truly is. As I sit here reflecting deeper on my relationship with Instagram, I honestly am constantly jealous, judging, snooping, and comparing. Yes, there is good that comes out of social media...but I think this break from it will honestly be really good for me.

Throughout the work day when my flesh felt weak I would turn to scripture, and God revealed some pretty Amazing things to me. One major take away is that God wants me to TRUST him with my dreams. I am going to dream big dreams with my even Bigger God and I can't wait to watch him do amazing things through my life. I will leave you with a verse that changed my perspective today.

"Be delighted with the Lord. Then he will give you all your hearts desires." Psalms 37:4.

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