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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 19

Hello Friends!

I am nearing the end of my fast and I want to be on Instagram and watch Netflix still, but its not a burning desire like it was 2 1/2 weeks ago. I feel like Instagram and Netflix became such a bad habit for me that it was ingrained into my daily patterns. Disrupting that pattern has been hard, but so s so good for me. I have learned a lot about myself especially that before this fast I had very little self control. I would go into auto pilot and do mindless activities with little control over my own daily routine.

In Proverbs 25:28 it refers to a person with no self control like a city with broken down walls. The visual that God is trying to get us to understand is that when we lack self control we are open at all times to be influenced, manipulated, and taken from. In John 10:10 the Bible describes the Devil as a thief that only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Without self control and city walls up you are susceptible to be taken advantage of by the devil.

Another thing that God showed me is that self control comes into play with every aspect of our lives. My prior out look on self control was that it only applied to the big things in life like cheating, breaking the law, sex and drugs. What I now understand is that it can be the small things like hours on Instagram or hours of Netflix, where the desire to do it is so strong that you cant say no to it anymore. Think about it, if you can't say no to it, you are no longer control it and IT controls YOU! Scary thought, right? Some of us have different things that control our actions, behaviors, and patterns. For some it may be alcohol and for others it may be video games. Regardless of what has control over you, I challenge you to dig deep and ask yourself what areas of your life you need to gain control over.

Submit it to the Lord and lean on Him for strength to over come it. Remember that we don't have to go through this alone. Give it to God and ask friends or family for accountability and support. One of the fruits of the spirit is self-control, so if you abide in the spirit, God says evidence of that is self control.

Lets get back into control!

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