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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 18

Hello friends!

Today I thought a lot of my dreams...

Truth bomb: God is not committed to 'my dream' he is committed to HIS perfect purpose for my life.

The funny thing is that we rarely actually go to God and ask him to reveal our purpose. Some of us fabricate a dream from something we see and aspire to become and simply ask God to 'Co-sign it' for us. We say 'God this is the job I am applying for, PLEASE let me get the job.' On the other hand, a lot of us wonder around aimlessly searching for something that we moderately enjoy and pays the bills. And if we're honest with ourselves, a lot of us end up settling, without tapping into the true purpose that God created us to do.

Don't make a dream not rooted in God- God will say 'you can have it but I'm not gonna bless it.' A perfect example of this are famous people. Let's think for a minute about all of those supper stars who have an immense amount of wealth and fame yet, are struggling with addiction, depression, and some commit suicide. Money and fame does not necessarily equate to happiness.

Psalm 139:13 describes how God created us and knitted us together in our mothers womb. The same God that created every aspect of you, also gave you gifts and talents to carry out HIS purpose for your life. If you haven't already, I challenge you to begin to seek God and ask him to reveal to you your purpose. Wait patiently and let God reveal it to you. He may tell you through scripture, a fellow believer, prayer, or visions and dreams. Let God guide, because where He guides he provides. Say, YES, to Gods purpose and ask him to bless THAT, not your earthly dream. Jeremiah 29:11 describes how we need to make decisions for destiny not for temporary desires. So lets dream big dreams with God with an eternal perspective.

Lets have God Dreams!

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