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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 11

Hello Friends!

We are halfway done with our fast, and man has God been working on my heart. While reading the Bible I was reminded about just how important LOVE is. In 1 Corinthians 13:2 it describes how you could have all of the gifts, power, and faith but if you don'y have LOVE you ARE NOTHING. It was crazy to think how you could have crazy FAITH in God but still be NOTHING without love. This was a crazy reminder of just how much we need to emphasize love in our every day life. I know that loving our neighbor is easier said then done and that's why it is SO important to abide in the spirit. In Luke 6:45 it describes that it is out of the overflow of our hearts that the mouths speaks. I believe this to be so so so evident. If you have a soft heart, in tune with Jesus, that is filled with HIS love and grace, then loving your neighbor will be second nature. On the other hand, if you have a hard heart that is harboring bitterness, unforgiveness, and you are easily offended it'll be extremely hard to love Jesus with all of your heart, let alone your neighbor.

I listened to a sermon today by Pastor Mike at Transformation Church and in the sermon he emphasized the importance of letting go and not holding on to hurt, anger, and people who wrong you. (I'll put a link to the sermon below if you want to check it out.) I think this is natural and human nature, and it is only by the grace of God that we can forgive those who have wronged us and choose to love. I really felt in my spirit that today I needed to let go of everything that I've been holding on to and fully release it all to God. That way, I can love God and others fully and completely.

The love that God describes in the Bible isn't just romantic love...or love that we choose to show friends and family. In 1 Cor. 13:4-8 it describes a selfless love, a type of love that we can only fully give our neighbor by the grace of God. I challenge you to exam your heart and let some things go so you can fully love. This process isn't easy, because we justify our hurt and pain. Please know that God loves you more then you can imagine and that He wants you to bring your hurt and pain and lay it down at his feet. In closing lets recklessly love Jesus and out of the overflow of our heart love our neighbor.

Sermon Link:

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