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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast Day: 1

Hello Friends!

Today was day one of my Daniel Fast. My husband decided last minute to join me on the fast. Man, I love Sundays. Its the official first day of the week and a time to rest and prepare. We went grocery shopping and got all of our food for the week. After shopping we prepared all of our lunch meals for the whole coming work week. After meal prepping we did the laundry and cleaned the house. I love prepping for the coming week. Now I want to discuss how the day went physically.


I got a headache in the early afternoon. I am assuming this was my bodies response to a lack of caffeine. I am used to a cup a day. By the late afternoon I felt very tired and drained. I know this was most likely due to my body adjusting to the lack of carbs. By the end of the evening after having a salad for dinner I still felt hungry I snacked on some carrots and guzzled more water to try and fill my belly. I know this fast will challenge my body in more ways then I even know, but I know my God is with me and he will by strength.


Today I focused on the concept of the renewal of my mind and thoughts. I truly want to set my mind on things above...and really grow at putting those thoughts at the forefront of what drives my actions. I focused on what my goals are for this fast and setting my priorities straight. I realized that I have some really bad habits in my desision making. Often times, I make my plan and come up with my own ideas, and THEN ask God to bless it. I am really thinking about this, and I know in this fast I am going to strive to spend time with God and ask God to cast the vision for me. I want to grow in spending quality time with the Lord and truly learning what it means to 'delight' in the Lord.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Palms 37:4

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