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  • Ciera Tyler

Daniel Fast

Hello Friends!

If you can’t already tell from this title I am going to begin the Daniel Fast on Sunday January 19th and end on February 8th. To give you some context the Daniel fast is a fast strait out of the book of Daniel. It consists of 3 weeks of only consuming fruit, vegetables, nuts, and water.

I am not only going to fast with my diet, I am also going to fast TV and social media. I realized while I was preparing for this fast that the majority of my spare time is spent scrolling on social media or watching Netflix. I really want to focus on God and introspection while on this fast. So, I am going to spend my spare time focusing in on my mind, body, and spirit. I will be doing 3 devotionals a day in the morning, noon, and night. My devotionals will consist of worship, scripture, prayer, and reflection. I will also be exercising every evening after dinner.

With that being said I have decided to journal how my day goes every evening and jot down whatever the Lord speaks to me.I will be posting my journal entries daily to my 'Personal Diary' section of my blog. My hope is to be extremely vulnerable with you guys and I feel like God may be able to use whatever he is speaking to me to inspire you.

I invite you to join me on this fasting journey. I would really appreciate your prayer and support while I embark on my first Daniel fast. You can stay up to date with how my fast is going by subscribing to my blog and coming back here every evening around 8:30pm to read what breakthrough I had that day. I have big faith that God is going to do some big things with my heart and soul in the coming three weeks. I know this fast will be very challenging for my mind and body, but I am honestly SO excited to start the new year off with this fast.

Thank you in advance for your prayer and support and don’t forget to follow along on my journey by reading my daily blog posts.

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