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  • Ciera Tyler

Thankful Thursday- Book Notes

Hello friends!

I loved this chapter because it focused on self worth and self image. I think the message in this chapter is so relevant to every girl and I found Zicks point of view to be very up lifting.

Choose Gratitude

The heart of Zicks message in this chapter is to "choose gratitude over criticism and comparison" (64). I love this message and it was honestly something that I really needed to hear. I think when we truly realize how unique and amazing we are we can grow to appreciate the uniqueness and greatness of our sisters. Zick highlights this message by stating that "there is no one that is you, that’s your super power" (64). I love that she refers to this as a super power! I often think I'm less then and can never measure up, but Zick challenged me to realize that their is absolutely no one on Earth that it the same as me and my uniqueness and gifts are what make me supper.

Own it

Zick emphasizes that we need to own the skin we're in. We live in a social media saturated world, where women strive to look like women that industry deems as beautiful. This results in girls being filled with self doubt, struggling with eating disorders, and resorting to cosmetic surgery to try and achieve the 'perfect' look. Zick believes this is because everyone wants to essentially look the same (65). One thing that stood out to me was when she said "sister there is nothing inherently wrong with you"(64). When I read that I was like 'WOAH drop the mic'. I struggle to not compare my body and appearance to other women and I seriously need to grow in owning who I am and the body I was given by the creator. She stresses that we need to live our lives originally and celebrate our differences (65).

Look in the Mirror

"When you look in the mirror, what do you see?"(65) To be completely honest, when I read that I knew that when I first look in the mirror the first thing I see are my flaws and imperfections. I so quickly pick apart my entire body. I try face washes and different gym routines to try and take care of myself. Zick explains that there is more to self-care then face masks and hair treatments (65). She then describes that we need to look at ourselves form the inside out and take care of our soul and mindset first. She went on to explain that her dream is for us to see ourselves the way that God sees us, as fearfully and wonderfully made (67). This starts with knowing who we are in Christ first and seeing our self from the inside out, so that when we look in the mirror we don't see our imperfections blaring back at us. Zick declared"enough is enough-get mad at the lies that assault you every time you look into the mirror"(68). We need to refute the devils lies and combat them with scripture that clearly states who we are in Christ. I am so thankful for this chapter because it really challenged me to be thankful for my uniqueness and to celebrate my sisters instead of being envious of them.

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